From what I hear, it's a common fear that the gays (or "teh gayz"?) are trying to convert everyone to their same-sex lovin'. It's a stupid fear. I'm sure there are some who think that in general gay people > straight people, but they're in the minority. I like straight people. Sometimes I even like kissing them.
All that said, I do happen to have a handful of good friends who would make awesome lesbians. I'm not even sure I can elaborate on that statement; it's just something I know (and V agrees). I don't think they should immediately run out and find a girl, turning their backs on men everywhere. I think in part it's me wanting a more gray society: less self-proclaimed 0s (and 6s) on the Kinsey scale, and more willingness to contemplate variety.
Therefore, when I found out last night that a good friend made out with a girl, it made my night. The circumstances are irrelevant for the moment; it's just the fact that it happened. That she was willing to go with it. That I'm sure it was super hot. I don't want to make everyone gay, but it sure makes me happy when people are open to the possibility of something different.
Love you :) Thank you for your support as I wade through this grayness.