
Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Photography business is starting to pick up, which is super exciting.  Now that we've just about learned to juggle her dance teaching, her classes, my twins, our much larger house, and our first year of marriage, we're adding in lots of photography, and an etsy sale on the side.  Life's a whirlwind!

I had a moment of realism last night.  V and I are thinking of baby-making occurring around the same time she graduates, but we've also tossed around the idea of baby-appearing not too long after graduation...which would mean we would start baby-making in just over a year.  Now, I don't think this is the route we'll go, but it still drew me up short.  Life's getting serious!

So is Lilly's life, apparently.  She sat on the couch earlier, her laptop in her lap, holding a cell phone to her ear, and glanced at Patrick and me.  "Can you guys be quiet please?  I'm trying to work."

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